
Acts 9:15 "He is chosen in my name as my tool, to deliver my name to the world."

This is the second thing Jesus says about Paul ever in Acts, and it is breathtaking as I meditate. After this moment, Paul's life changes just like a flip of a coin.

What is the purpose of life, which the world says? or what my parents had been telling me since I was young? or how my peers live their lives in my age currently? It's pretty simple; it's the matter of what to eat, how to earn money, what to wear. Exactly what Jesus tells us NOT TO WORRY in the four gospels but to trust him, because he even cares for the sparrows and the wild flowers in the fields.

I prayed upon today's journal and I was honest to God; that I am not courageous enough to actually be ready for the hardships I will encounter whilst delivering your name in my works and my life. I need Holy Spirit to give that steel heart in me; I do not know if I could really be stern in your name even in the midst of the world taking away the food, clothing, and money from me because I praise Jesus.

But apparently, the verse does that actually give Paul a choice. Jesus does not ask him. We would think that God's declaration may be some sort of a chain and a force into our lives as if we are losing freedom, but I believe Paul knew right away that was actually the freedom. Encountering the true God and living for his name, even if he had to run away from the city because people were trying to kill him. Which I admire Paul for that blunt change in few hours-days possibly, and I ask the Spirit of God to make that change in my heart also. Not looking back

The Story About Investment (Luke 19:11-)

Luke 19:13 There was once a man descended from a royal house who needed to make a long trip back to headquarters to get authorization for his rule and then return. But first he called ten servants together, gave them each ten servants together, gave them each a sum of money, and instructed them, 'Operate with this until I return.'

Last week's sermon was the metaphor of talent. I listened very closely as I have been meditating about talent for pretty long time as I picked up painting again, in mixed with photography. There was an important part of this passage that I did not know; here, the 'money,' or 'talent,' that is from the original work called 'mina,' which was the currency name back then. The preacher said this actually means beyond just money and talent, but a 'life.'

Meaning, the man who descended from the royal family going back to hometown to receive kingship is Jesus, and he gives us 'life' to 'operate with them until he returns.' I used to think limited in terms of talent which are more of skills such as creativity, wealth, or any kind of born-with-abilities that we could make career of. However, this is actually the new 'life' that Jesus gives as when we accept him as our ruler of our lives. Unfortunately, just as Jews rejected Jesus, on verse 14, the servants hated him and did not want him to receive the kingship. They wanted themselves to rule their own lives, or, let the world and the people of authority to rule them so they could be comfortable and enjoy the security that the world gives.

The life itself that we are living today, the day that I have been giving today, is what Jesus gave us to share and flourish before he returns. He already has received the Kingship from the father of heaven. But I seem to forget that this day, this life, is for something better in the future. I get lazy and procrastinate thinking I do not need to put too much effort because I do not want Jesus to RULE over my today. Then I lay around, worrying, being busy for nothing, merely thinking about uncertain future, or just becoming negative about my present environment, and eventually at the end of the day I realize- I have lost that 'life' today. And sadly, to the one who kept the money in a fabric and did nothing with it, the royal man returns and becomes mad and takes away that one money. Given to the one who already made ten out of one. Yes. Pretty clear conclusion. The life is not ours, so if we do not make a good living for Jesus, the owner takes it away at the end of the life when he returns. There is not much time to linger around doing nothing with our lives- we have to live this present as we take small responsibilities that is already given today, and also wait for God to really open doors in our lives.

I encourage you to get out of that drowned past of hurt and doubt. That just works when the darkness wants to drag you down so you don't life that 'life' that Jesus gave you before he left. It's so simple. Darkness is so glad that you are still hurt, scared, and feared. Unfortunately it means you are still in the dark, not the light. It's just either or thing here in Christianity. It's either dark or light. But the ultimate master gave us something called life, to live, flourish, and exceed- so we could love our God and our neighbor until Jesus returns again. Get up. Get out of the dark bed of death and move out to the light. Grab your day whatever is in your room, read the bible, or hold the guitar, cook in the kitchen, pray, sing, or simply create. Act upon the things that are already surrounded in you, then God will also start working. He is waiting for you.

The rich simplicity

"A Devout life does bring wealth, but it's the rich simplicity of being yourself before God. Since we entered the world penniless and will leave it penniless, if we have bread on the table and shoes on our feet, that's enough." -1 Timothy 6:6-8 MSG

Just came back from the trip to Colorado and the sermon that I heard over the Sunday was about God's word. Just the simple classic sermon about five fingers grasping the Bible, five fingers representing reading, memorizing, studying, hearing, and meditating. I've been searching for awhile my next inspiration for artworks, and have been lost. And I realized again, that this is it. The reason and the foundation I will ever go back to the basics of creating. The ultimate source of passion. Inspiration.

God tells me that everything I write, I create, draw, and take photos of - has life in it. Has light in it, if I am abiding in his word. And it is simple is that, the sad fact is that I always believe in something else, which is all the time at the end of the day, a lie. God reminds me that the medium, the major, the subject that I decide to recreate, is a second priority. It does not matter more than what is in me. In my spirit. And when there is God's word residing in me, it's Jesus that is full in me, and there is power and life in the works I create. It does not matter what it is. This is how wonderful he works.

As an artist, creating and expressing art is a form of revealing the self. It's a pretty provoking, intimidating job to have an introvert, but surprisingly, introverts are always eager to show and express. But ironically scared (laugh). Nevertheless, thank God, he has given us something called beautiful talent that we could use to indirectly express ourselves so we do not choke. And releasing that is the easy part, but the hard part is to actually know by heart that what is in me that is going to be released. This does not come from just reading books or having amazing techniques, it comes from being simply, being myself in front of God. And that is rich. That is overwhelming grace. That is all we can do as God-called artists. That is all. It's a challenge, but a gift at the same time. Challenge with me.