"A Devout life does bring wealth, but it's the rich simplicity of being yourself before God. Since we entered the world penniless and will leave it penniless, if we have bread on the table and shoes on our feet, that's enough." -1 Timothy 6:6-8 MSG
Just came back from the trip to Colorado and the sermon that I heard over the Sunday was about God's word. Just the simple classic sermon about five fingers grasping the Bible, five fingers representing reading, memorizing, studying, hearing, and meditating. I've been searching for awhile my next inspiration for artworks, and have been lost. And I realized again, that this is it. The reason and the foundation I will ever go back to the basics of creating. The ultimate source of passion. Inspiration.
God tells me that everything I write, I create, draw, and take photos of - has life in it. Has light in it, if I am abiding in his word. And it is simple is that, the sad fact is that I always believe in something else, which is all the time at the end of the day, a lie. God reminds me that the medium, the major, the subject that I decide to recreate, is a second priority. It does not matter more than what is in me. In my spirit. And when there is God's word residing in me, it's Jesus that is full in me, and there is power and life in the works I create. It does not matter what it is. This is how wonderful he works.
As an artist, creating and expressing art is a form of revealing the self. It's a pretty provoking, intimidating job to have an introvert, but surprisingly, introverts are always eager to show and express. But ironically scared (laugh). Nevertheless, thank God, he has given us something called beautiful talent that we could use to indirectly express ourselves so we do not choke. And releasing that is the easy part, but the hard part is to actually know by heart that what is in me that is going to be released. This does not come from just reading books or having amazing techniques, it comes from being simply, being myself in front of God. And that is rich. That is overwhelming grace. That is all we can do as God-called artists. That is all. It's a challenge, but a gift at the same time. Challenge with me.