The Distance Away

The Distance Away

Tracing Georgia’s life all the way in New Mexico was a turning point in my artistic career and my perspective viewing the future of my career as well. I still miss here and would love to go back every summer. For that holy distance between the world- so I could work, work, and be pleased- just like she did.

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When Georgia Blooms

When Georgia Blooms

This summer I watched When Camelia Blooms in Netflix- and somebody already had told me the main character - Camelia’s style- is such mine. And whoa, I was busy throughout the drama capturing her looks.

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Essence of Existence

Second visit to this random yellow flower fields at Bixby- but at night! Sun was almost gone, but I needed this blue Audrey dress shot. Last look of the day! So I got a flashing idea to have Hoya’s carlights on and use them as light. I was doubtful because I do not like using artificial lights as the main source of light, but it worked. It looked like 90’s hippy lookbook or something; glad Hoya’s car lights were yellow not white which made the whole blue hour so warm but strong at the same time. I used to give up easily after the sun is gone but this shoot made me rethink of sunsets and to linger longer in the blue light remaining from Sunlight. Blue, green, yellow color palette in summer night- what can be better?

“당신이 사랑스럽다는 것은 존재의 본질이다.” -루이스 헤이, <하루 한 장, 마음챙김>, 2021

“The fact that you are worthy, lovely, and enough- is the essence of your existence.” -Louise Hay

The Back of Me

Hoya works at St Francis and this neighborhood is a random, quiet neighborhood behind the hospital. It seemed like it was not a neighborhood because it had so many hills and often at the top of the hill we’ll see peak of the south tulsa; there was a river & trail bottom of the road of the neighborhood, dogs off the leash were hanging around the road… I found a random land patch that was not a property and had the trees with greenery grown over the tree trunks. When I do vintage shopping I don’t know why but I’ve been purchasing these handmade fabric hangers (Are they what they’re called?) and brought one for this look. The two piece is my own design preparing for yubiboutique, even the fabric is vintage! (found it in Vintage mall at Valley, Alabama).

“그래서 어쩌면 ‘뒷모습’은 여기서 그 참다운 비밀을 드러내는지도 모른다. 그 빈약함 때문에 오히려 효과적이고, 간결해서 오히려 웅변적이고, 약점이 강점이 된다. 등이 말을 한다. 그러나 반만, 사 분의 일만, 들릴 듯 말 듯한 목소리로 말한다. 여기는 생략, 은연중의 말, 빗대어 하는 말, 암시의 세계다.”

-미셸 투르니에, <뒷모습>, 2002

“So somebody’s back reveals the actual truth we always seek in an existence. It seems weak, powerless- however because of such weariness it draws another new form of power that is efficient, simple, and strong in deliverance. Yes. The weakness becomes the actual strength. Somebody’s back will speak. In a very soft, wobbly voice… in such metaphors that only a few may understand. It draws the audience to another world that is hidden.”

PS. Thanks to Hoya being outside with me when the sun was the highest💙

The Garden

This place is literally a sidewalk next to a road. We were driving towards the next location and I yelled at Hoya to stop and just turn in to a neighborhood (most exciting moments come on!). We parked at a house and walked towards the sidewalk where cars were just passing fast.. It was side fence to a house but these flowers were outside of the fence it seemed like it was not part of theirs but wild flowers. So big and wild that we couldn’t even see the house behind it. Plus, I thought these looked just like 무궁화, The Korean national flowers- and perfect for my next outfit which was pink lace vintage dress that I’ve had in my closet for almost ten years!

I remember two ladies in leggings walking by and watching us with surprised faces (and a smile). I couldn’t hear much because of the cars running along right next to us (so the camera was diagonal from me, not straight out)- but all worked out. Road shoots. Ah!

"내가 꿈꾸는 것은 정원이다. 내가 가꾼 정원에 많은 사람들이 와서 쉬다 갔으면 좋겠다. 내 꽃 모양, 나무모양 로고처럼- 무덤에서 점점 나는 정원으로, 푸르름으로 자란다. 이제는 큰 발걸음이 아니어도 괜찮다. 작음 걸음으로 매일 한걸음씩 나아간다. 그런 나를 어여쁘게 바라봐준다. (...) 하나님의 마음은 나를 사랑하는 마음이다. 나를 힘있고 아름다운 존재로 바라보신다. 이미 무덤이 아닌, 정원속에서 숨쉬고 있는 나를 바라보고 계신다. 그 시선이 하나님의 마음이고, 상징이다."

<Graves into Gardens>, 05.June.2022

"What I dream is a pure garden. A garden full of leaves. I see people coming to visit my garden and resting. Just as my studio logo represents a tree and a flower- I am not a dead tomb anymore but a living garden. It's okay if I cannot make a huge leap, because small steps are worthy enough. And I see myself with sublime beauty. (...) God's heart is a heart that loves me. He sees me as a strong, incredible existence. He sees me as a garden, not the grave. That perspective is him, it's all about him.

<Graves into Gardens>, 05.June.2022

Embracing Selves

I’ve only visited Hoya’s church twice; and it’s surprising you see things differently depending on what is in your head! (laugh) Which that day we coincidently visited his church for him to pick up something, and the light across the back of the parking lot was stunning. Plus we were already worn out from the previous two hot (literally hot summer Tulsa..) shoots, decided to give a try. I get so excited to shoot at the strangest, unexpected places- that’s when the light works and do its thing. That’s when Holy Spirit works, right? Would love to go back. The fence, overarching old trees…

“진짜라는 단어가 내포한 유일성의 뉘앙스 때문에 ‘진짜 나’라고 하면 뭔가 똑 떨어지게 한마디로 정리되어야 할 것 같지만 복합적인 관계망 안에서 어느 위치, 어느 역할에 있느냐에 따라 조금씩 다른 내가 튀어나오게 마련이다. 그 모든 ‘나’를, 내 안에 너무 많은 ‘나’를, 그 다면성을 모두 껴안을 때 비로소 ‘진짜 나’를 설명할 수 있는 것 아닐까.”

-최혜진, <명화가 내게 묻다>

“Because we are so used to the work ‘real me,’ it seems like the real self has to be defined in one single way. But in fact, the real self is created from different selves that exists in diverse relationships, diverse responsibilities, diverse memories from past and traumas- and more. Initially we cannot frame our real self, in one way. The only way we can genuinely be the real me, is to embrace all those many selves, then we’ll be able to explain who we really are.”