In between quarter trip!
I don’t know why but what my Painting professor recommends to do and go, I look the place up right away in google maps in class and I decide to go if it’s possible. Professor Knowles has that unknown trust that I feel that I could go and see wherever he says to. His work and passion as an artist is probably so inspiring to me and that is reason why I decided to travel to see the Art fields in Salt Lake City, in South Carolina. It was about a 5 hour drive with my puppy. The greenery and the flat fields did remind me of Oklahoma a lot. The old, separated houses here and there made the city feel very suburb, quiet, and motionless. My airbnb was in a city called Florence, about 20 mins away from Salt Lake City. The host had a beautiful garden right between my small house and their’s. As soon as I got there I saw them sitting at the back porch, enjoying the spring afternoon. The garden was so neat and open, all my days during the stay was mostly in the garden except for sleeping. I ate there and did quiet time there, walked my puppy Chevin and saw the night stars.
The Pine Cottage
사우스 캐롤라이나에 머무는 내내 날씨가 너무 좋았다. 바람도 적당히 불고, 저녁엔 하늘이 맑아 별들이 무수히 보였다. 이 여행을 생각하면 푸르름밖에 없다. 미술관을 보러 갔는데도 불구하고 지냈던 숙소의 정원이 너무 맑고 투명했다. 바람이 불면 머리 위의 나무들이 햇살을 머금고 춤을 추었다. 나의 숙소 건물 앞 나란히 앉아있던 벤치 테이블에서 아침도 먹고, 큐티도 하고, 사색에 잠기고, 그림도 그리고, 하루를 그렇게 그곳에서 주구장창 보냈다. 호스트 부부 한 분씩 내게 와서 말을 걸어주셨다. 나중엔 십대 아들내미마저 내게 와서 나의 사진에 관심을 보였다. 아들 이름이 매트였는데 내가 방문하기 전 숙소에 3주가량 머물렀던 부부의 강아지를 3주동안이나 안계실때 돌봐주었다는 얘기를 해주었다. 온 가족이 이 곳에 방문하는 사람들을 반가워하며 함께 지내는 모습이 신기하기도 하고 그 날의 날씨처럼 따뜻했다.
Art Fields, Salt Lake City
It was already on their 10th year of Art Fields in Salt Lake City. The Salt Lake City downtown was so small than I thought, but it was perfect for my size. Everything - restaurants, cafe, boutique, even a place to sit in between the greens were there in that small town. I loved how there were not too many people crowded everywhere, and elderly people slowly passed by with ice cream in their hands. The building seemed like it was never remodeled, but remained the same from the history. Only the main Art Fields building seemed new, welcoming the visitors as the beginning of the tour.
10th year
신기하게도 올해 선정된 작품들이 한 미술관에 걸린것이 아니라 온 다운타운 모든 곳에 걸려 있었다. 미술관도 하나가 아니라 걷다보니 작은 미술관이 또 있었고, 점심을 먹으러 들린 카페 안에도 작품이 걸려 있었다. 모든 가게와 상점을 들어가보지는 못했지만 분명 작은 부티크와 식당 안 곳곳에 숨겨놓았을것이다. 그래서 방문하는 사람들이 본인이 가장 마음에 드는 작품을 골라 투표를 하는데, 1,2,3등에게 큰 상금을 주는 형식의 아트 페스티벌이었다. 심사위원이 따로 있는것이 아니라 직접 방문자들에게 투표하라고 하며, 다운타운을 방문해서 미술도 볼 겸 맛집도 들리고, 부티크도 가보고, 방문자들에게 그리고 그곳에서 장사하는 사람들에게 그리고 작품을 만든 아티스트에게도 모두에게 이득이 되는 참 좋은 페스티벌이라 생각이 들었다.
The two of us
On the way back I bought a sketchbook and a small oil pastel set. I wanted to leave a thank you in my way to the host for their hospitality, and giving me part of their garden space for me to stay and enjoy the town. Holding a new pack of oil pastels from Florence was such a thrilling moment; the new fresh smell of the tanned paper was nostalgic too. Drawing the space where I lingered the past two days was healing; the wind of the late afternoon blew over my hair. If you see some photos closely Chevin my puppy is kind of falling asleep, her eyes are closing slowly. On the last day when I left I got to see the host and they loved the artwork, as they said they were people so far from art.. Well they built the airbnb place themselves which seemed amazing to me. Hopefully when I visit I again next year, I will be able to see the artwork hung on the walls in the place.